night program

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Blacksmithing Workshop: Forge Your Own Fire Poker

This three hour hands-on class will introduce you to blacksmithing and working with hot iron to make useful objects. You will learn techniques like drawing out, bending, twisting, scrolling, and more to create a unique fire poker to take home with you.

By |2022-08-17T16:49:52-04:00September 8th, 2022|, , , |Comments Off on Blacksmithing Workshop: Forge Your Own Fire Poker

Winter Solstice Hike: Tuesday Session

The winter solstice, with only nine hours of sunlight during the day, transforms our world into a quiet moon-lit wonderland at night. While it can be easy to forget in the dark, the winter solstice is truly a night of beginnings. Come for a tranquil lantern-lit walk to discover and celebrate the promise of longer [...]

By |2021-11-18T15:29:34-05:00December 21st, 2021|, |Comments Off on Winter Solstice Hike: Tuesday Session

Winter Solstice Hike: Saturday Session

The winter solstice, with only nine hours of sunlight during the day, transforms our world into a quiet moon-lit wonderland at night. While it can be easy to forget in the dark, the winter solstice is truly a night of beginnings. Come for a tranquil lantern-lit walk to discover and celebrate the promise of longer [...]

By |2021-11-18T15:33:29-05:00December 18th, 2021|, |Comments Off on Winter Solstice Hike: Saturday Session
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