July Stewardship Work Day (Saturday): Removal of Invasive Plants
Come be a part of our volunteer work teams at Baltimore Woods and help us steward the preserve for all to enjoy!
Come be a part of our volunteer work teams at Baltimore Woods and help us steward the preserve for all to enjoy!
Come be a part of our volunteer work teams at Baltimore Woods and help us steward the preserve for all to enjoy!
Take a walk with Naturalist Tom Meier to meet the ferns of Baltimore Woods and discover what makes these ancient plants so "ferntastic".
Experience a summer solstice forest therapy walk!
Let's take a hike around our pond and forests to look for the frogs, toads, tadpoles, salamanders, and newts that live at Baltimore Woods.
Start off our citizen science event with us as we review how to use the iNaturalist app.
Experience a family forest therapy walk!
Learn how we are restoring and maintaining suitable pollinator habitats around the preserve!
This session is sold out! Please check out our other sessions of Nourishing Ourselves Through Nature. Check the calendar for more Nourishing Ourselves Through Nature sessions!
Learn how to create a habitat for birds in your own backyard!