naturalist blog

An archive of all of the Naturalist Blog articles written by the Baltimore Woods education team

Immerse Yourself in Nature

The sights and sounds along the trails had changed dramatically since early summer and I felt like a newcomer to the forest. How easy it can be to forget that we, too, are a part of the natural world! So many things in our day to day life tune that connection out, but it comes back so quickly.

By |2021-09-05T16:41:33-04:00August 29th, 2021|naturalist blog|Comments Off on Immerse Yourself in Nature

The Importance of Play After Childhood

When you think of your childhood, what comes to mind? Maybe you remember spending hours playing with friends or running around outside. Right now, Baltimore Woods is filled with campers playing games outside and exploring the preserve. For many of us, summers were all about playing games, running around outside, and having fun.  So, why did we stop?

By |2021-08-15T20:26:52-04:00July 25th, 2021|naturalist blog|Comments Off on The Importance of Play After Childhood

Wisdom from the Young and the Wild

There are moments when I spot a young animal and while observing the way they behave or something the parent does, it reminds me of a moment with my own children. When we take the time to observe nature we can find so many similarities to our own lives and sometimes it can trigger a memory or lend us some wisdom.

By |2021-08-15T20:29:20-04:00July 18th, 2021|naturalist blog|Comments Off on Wisdom from the Young and the Wild

A Child Who Plays in Nature Today

Through nature play children make personal and emotional connections to the outside environment. Recently I watched a child catch a frog for the first time. That child’s face lit up with happiness and it was a beautiful moment to witness. Though she may not remember that exact moment 20 years down the road (or maybe she will) that experience left her with a positive emotion and a positive experience in nature that she’ll carry with her for the rest of her life.  

By |2021-07-19T13:48:27-04:00July 11th, 2021|naturalist blog|Comments Off on A Child Who Plays in Nature Today

Thinking Outside the Box

Many of us who love the outdoors are familiar with the multitude of benefits that nature provides. A sense of wonder for the world is something that brings us together, helps us make valuable connections, and is one of the main reasons I became an educator here at Baltimore Woods. This inspired awe, for me, is rooted deeply in my childhood. Playing outside, climbing trees, flipping over rocks, and chasing fireflies were all parts of growing up that have instilled a deep respect for nature within me. 

By |2021-07-19T13:47:32-04:00July 4th, 2021|naturalist blog|Comments Off on Thinking Outside the Box

Powerful Pollinators

As summer is beginning, it’s an exciting time to keep an eye out for insect pollinators. Busy bees, butterflies, moths, beetles, ants, and more are all crucial helpers in the process of pollination, fertilizing plants and allowing them to create seeds. Many of the fruits and vegetables that you eat wouldn’t exist without our pollinator friends. As insects visit flowers to feed, pollen sticks to them and is then transferred to other flowers. For example, have you ever seen a fuzzy bumblebee covered in yellow dust? That’s pollen!

By |2021-07-19T14:18:55-04:00June 27th, 2021|naturalist blog|Comments Off on Powerful Pollinators
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