Week of April 3, 2022 – April 9, 2022

by Whitney Lash-Marshall, Executive Director

Just when we seem to think that spring is finally here to stay, we see those snowflakes appear on the weather forecast and falling from the sky. We’re used to the back and forth of conditions this time of year, but also know that some of the best signs of spring are yet to come. Here are some of our favorite signs and smells from past Naturalist Blogs to help us all think spring:

“A striking color palette is beginning to emerge amidst the browns and grays that are painting our springtime landscape. Variations of yellow, red, white, and sprays of green are now bursting forth in the forest. The flowers and stems are signaling a change in the seasons and a time for renewal…The forest is coming alive, almost vibrating with energy, and the plants are wearing their Sunday best for the show.” – Grace Carlic, April 2020

“After an April rain shower, the air smells dewy with petrichor, the scent of rich soil and wet rocks. Moss growing along tree roots takes on a vibrant green and raindrops balance precariously on flower petals. Of course, not every Spring smell is intoxicating. The pungent skunk cabbage flowers and deep layers of mud in wetlands release odors that may cause you to wrinkle your nose. One thing is for sure, this period of time brings with it unique scents that we only experience for a few months out of the year.” – Lexi Grove, April 2021

We encourage you to open a window or step outside, take a deep breath, and enjoy the many sights and smells of Spring. You can also always enjoy past Naturalist Blogs from every season in our archive!