Nature Poetry Burning the Old Year by Naomi Shihab Nye The Bells by Edgar Allen Poe Messenger by Mary Oliver Winter Time by Robert Louis Stevenson Winter’s Artist by Suzanne Bates Nothing in Nature Lives For Itself by Anonymous Art and Nature by Elton Glaser Feathers Painted Black as Night by Melissa Kirby If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking by Emily Dickinson Spooky by Becky Wilson Autumn by Emily Dickinson Autumn Magic by Joseph T. Renaldi A Dew Sufficed Itself- by Emily Dickinson Fall Wisdom by Becky Wilson “Hope” is the thing with feathers by Emily Dickinson Magic of the Night by Becky Wilson By the Stream by Paul Laurence Dunbar A Blessing For the Woods by Michael S. Glaser When I Am Among the Trees by Mary Oliver Observing Summer Excerpted from “Nature’s Quiet Conversations” by John A. Weeks Spiral Glide by Mary Lee Hahn The Forest by Annette Wynne “There Was a Great Big Moose” Song A Camp Favorite Summer Streams by Bliss Carman Mushrooms by Mary Oliver The Hills by Rand Michaels Path by Rand Michaels “Nature in the City” Lyrics by Billy B. Rocks by Andrea Fodor Litkei Firefly by Elizabeth Madox Roberts The Fern Song by John B. Tabb Early Bird by Shel Silverstein At Blackwater Pond by Mary Oliver Moss by Bruce Guernsey Bees by Norman Rowland Gale Remember by Joy Harjo The Robin is the One by Emily Dickinson Birches by Robert Frost I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by William Wordsworth Sugaring Time by Florence Boyce Davis By [email protected]|2021-01-09T19:53:48-05:00April 19th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Nature Poetry Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterestVkEmail