The Naturalist’s Blog

The Naturalist’s Blog2021-08-08T13:01:25-04:00

Inside a Bud

March 20th, 2022|

Week of March 13, 2022 – March 19, 2022 by Bridget Jones, Environmental Educator As the snow begins to melt and days get longer, I’ve been looking forward to seeing leaves start to emerge on the trees at Baltimore Woods. Right now, weeks away from the leaves’ emergence, the trees look as still and silent as they have all winter. But at the tips of their branches, tiny buds have [...]

Maple Sugaring Time!

March 12th, 2022|

Week of March 6, 2022 – March 12, 2022 by Melissa Kirby, Environmental Educator As the calendar shifts from February to March, the movement from winter toward spring might not feel like it’s coming fast enough, but each day subtle changes can be observed in nature. Spring is on the move – from birds migrating, plants emerging, snow melting, and sap flowing! This past week I hiked the Arboretum Trail [...]

Winter in Motion

February 19th, 2022|

Week of February 13, 2022 – February 19, 2022 by Meghan Morral, Environmental Educator This month, while out with our trail school program, we had the pleasure of finding a multitude of different tracks in the snow. Over the course of the afternoon we found rabbit, squirrel and chipmunk tracks. We stopped to examine fisher tracks and vole tunnels. As we hiked along, we discovered a row of dozens of [...]

Midwinter Highlights from Project Feederwatch

February 12th, 2022|

Week of February 6, 2022 – February 12, 2022 by Bridget Jones, Environmental Educator In winter, humans aren’t the only ones getting outside and enjoying the snow: the bird feeders at Baltimore Woods have seen a flurry of activity this season! Since November, staff members at Baltimore Woods have been participating in Project Feederwatch, an international citizen science project to help bird conservation. Each week, we submit bird counts to [...]

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