Derby Hill Field Trip and Stewardship Project
Join Naturalist and former Derby Hill Hawk Counter Anna Stunkel at Derby Hill to learn about raptors' journeys!
Join Naturalist and former Derby Hill Hawk Counter Anna Stunkel at Derby Hill to learn about raptors' journeys!
Join us at Montezuma to watch geese, ducks, and other birds and to learn the stories of how they can travel so far.
Experience a forest therapy walk!
Come learn how to identify frogs by sound as we venture out to frog and toad hotspots within Baltimore Woods.
Celebrate the Spring Equinox with a hike around Baltimore Woods and soak in the emergence of life, light, and the new season.
Learn how to sketch insects and spiders at this family program!
Discover medicinal plants at Baltimore Woods!
Explore Phillips Pond and enjoy a spring picnic!
Learn how you can implement nature play for the children in your life.
Discover the many wonders of spring at Baltimore Woods!