What’s Happening in the Water?
With nets, buckets, and boots, we will be looking for and observing stream insects and their amazing adaptations. Lets meet the emerging life of Baltimore Brook!
With nets, buckets, and boots, we will be looking for and observing stream insects and their amazing adaptations. Lets meet the emerging life of Baltimore Brook!
Let's learn to use a map and compass to explore Baltimore Woods and complete the Ecosystem Scavenger Hunt. Are you ready to up your skills and meet the challenge?
Experience a Forest Therapy Walk at Baltimore Woods!
Join us to investigate the last 6 months of exciting weather data gathered right here at Baltimore Woods, and get some tips on how you can record the weather from your own home.
Through getting to know local waterfowl, we will enrich our knowledge of bird migration and learn about the importance of Onondaga Lake along birds' journeys.
Sign up to learn about stewardship at Baltimore Woods and assist in our March project!
Come learn all about the basics of winter tree ID, then stay for the "Tree"via game to test what you learned!
Join us at Baltimore Woods to play along and pose tough questions to potential mates hoping to find the partner of their dreams.
Sign up to learn about stewardship at Baltimore Woods and assist in our February project!
Whether you're an outdoor enthusiast, adventurer, or someone looking to learn vital skills, this workshop is the ultimate way to embrace winter's beauty and resilience.