night hike

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Winter Solstice Hike: Tuesday Session

The winter solstice, with only nine hours of sunlight during the day, transforms our world into a quiet moon-lit wonderland at night. While it can be easy to forget in the dark, the winter solstice is truly a night of beginnings. Come for a tranquil lantern-lit walk to discover and celebrate the promise of longer [...]

By |2021-11-18T15:29:34-05:00December 21st, 2021|, |Comments Off on Winter Solstice Hike: Tuesday Session

Treefrogs and Peepers (virtual program)

Warm nights in May turn normally secretive gray treefrogs and spring peepers into superstars! Naturalist Tom Meier takes you on a video excursion to Baltimore Woods to witness the wildest pond party of spring. Special guests include gray treefrogs, spring peepers, green frogs, bull frogs, American toads, and more! Sign up to view Treefrogs and [...]

By |2021-05-25T14:56:17-04:00June 4th, 2021|, , , |Comments Off on Treefrogs and Peepers (virtual program)
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