Virtual Spring Meditation Hike

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We invite you to join us on our first ever virtual meditation hike to get that spring back into your step! Gather your family, or take some time just for you to sit back and relax as we take you out on the trails. Enjoy the scenery of Baltimore Woods and listen to guided meditative prompts inspired by nature, our best meditation partner. It’s a truly unique experience you won’t want to miss!

Cost: Free. Donations appreciated.

Here’s how it works: Click the Sign Me Up link below to register. When you register, we’ll ask you to provide the email you’d like to use to view the program. You will need a YouTube account to view the program. On April 18th at 12pm, all registered participants will receive a personal email invitation with a link to view the program directly from YouTube. The program will be available for viewing until April 25th at 12pm.

Registration for this program will be rolling throughout the week, allowing participants who sign up any time during the week to receive an invitation link within 24 hours.

Sign Me Up for the Virtual Meditation Hike

In light of this challenging time, we are offering this programming for our viewers without a specified fee. If you can support us with a donation to help us continue to develop these types of programs, it is greatly appreciated. No gift is too small, and we will do our best to continue connecting the CNY community to nature through quality, online programs. Your donation can be made during the registration process.

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