Star Party: Eta Aquarids

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Farewell to Mars and Jupiter and hello spring skies! The Eta Aquarids meteor shower peaks at about 30 meteors per hour as the Earth passes through
leftover debris from Halley’s Comet. The crescent Moon should allow for nice views of the streaking meteors.

Cultures across the world and throughout time are united in a fascination with the night sky. Humans have used stars to mark the passage of time, tell stories, build mythologies, and navigate across vast dark oceans. With powerful telescopes and a wealth of knowledge, Bob Piekiel is your tour guide to the stars and planets, revealing the secrets of the far away, inspiring us to think about how special our little green and blue ball in space is.

Click to register for Star Party: Eta Aquarids!

More details: This program is designed for ages 10 and up. Space is limited and online pre-registration is required. Dress warmly, this program will be entirely outdoors in our main parking lot, which has a gravel surface.

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