Amphibian Pursuit

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Let’s take a hike around our pond and forests to look for the frogs, toads, tadpoles, salamanders, and newts that live at Baltimore Woods. Even though we are well past the peak of the spring peeper chorus and the spotted salamander migration, amphibians are still creating a vibrant and lively symphony around The Woods in different ways. The ample light of the near-solstice sun means nature is at its highest level of activity. Join us to discover what the amphibians are up to during this season.

Registration for this program is closed.

More details: This program is designed for adults. Space is limited. Online pre-registration is required. This program will follow our most difficult trails, which have narrow and steep sections with steps, roots, and loose soil. The surfaces may be muddy this time of year. Our total route will be about 1.5 miles.

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