Week of May 1, 2022 – May 7, 2022

tom meier camp director

by Tom Meier, Program Manager

Listening to George Winston’s piano solo album Winter Into Spring as the snow and cold give way to the awakening of wildflowers and trees is one of my required personal spring rituals. He reflects the emotions of the changing season so well, from the quiet anticipation to the roaring wind and reflective rainy days, and finally the joy of warm sunshine and colorful flowers.

A walk outside this time of year can feel so liberating. The energy in the air, the return of birdsong, the greening of the forest…it is a healing balm after a cloudy Central New York winter. Even going outside for just a few minutes after a stressful day to marvel at the golden new leaves in the late afternoon sunlight, or noticing the peculiar way mayapples untwist as they emerge can provide a well-needed mood boost.

I am encouraged by our collective awakening to the benefits of exposure and connection to nature. Psychological research is demonstrating again and again how even just being able to see nature from your window can improve cognitive functions, sense of well-being, and empathy. While real-life immersion in nature is certainly best, however you can connect with nearby nature, even a flower in the sidewalk crack or a nature video, it’s good for you, and in turn good for your community and the planet.

For more information about the health benefits of connections to nature, check out this article from the American Psychological Association by Kirstin Weir: Nurtured by nature

Enjoy your spring awakening and all the good it will bring into your life!