The Faust Garden

Attention Hikers

The Interpretive Center is open to the public Monday – Friday from 9am-4pm and on Saturdays from 10am – 4pm. Staff are available Monday – Friday from 9am-4pm and can be reached by phone at (315) 673-1350. Dial 9-1-1 for emergencies on the trail. Be sure to lock your car and secure any valuables. No dogs are allowed on the preserve. We hope you enjoy your time at Baltimore Woods!

The Trail System

Covering a distance of six miles, the Baltimore Woods site and system of nine trails is open to the public every day. The 270 acre Baltimore Woods preserve is made up of land owned by the Central New York Land Trust, a local land trust who contracts with Baltimore Woods Nature Center for management, utilization, and maintenance of the property, and land owned by Baltimore Woods Nature Center. Visitors may pick-up trail maps at the outdoor kiosks. We ask visitors to sign-in at the outdoor kiosks for two reasons: first, for safety, and second, so we can track how many visitors we have each year. This is especially important when it comes to securing funding for Baltimore Woods.

Try our Georeferenced Map with Avenza!

Use our new georeferenced map with the Avenza Maps app on your mobile device to help you navigate the trails using your phone’s GPS. Avenza Maps is available on iOS and Android in your app store. To install our map in the app, follow these easy steps:

1. Download the georeferenced map to your mobile device or save it in your cloud storage
2. Click the “+” icon on “My Maps” screen in Avenza Maps.
3. Choose one of the three options at the bottom of the screen, depending on where you saved the map and follow the prompts, or copy this URL where indicated:
4. Once you’ve located the saved map file, touch it to add a check mark, then click “Import”
5. The map will appear on your “My Maps” list, just open it up and start hiking!

The Interpretive Center

Have you visited our gift shop? Monday – Friday from 9am – 4pm and on Saturdays from 10am – 4pm, check out our current inventory of fun finger puppets, beautiful note cards, and hand crafted items from a variety of talented artists. We also proudly offer products made by some of our Farmers Market vendors, including Dutch Hill maple syrup and bug repellent made by Balsam Rose.  

The Interpretive Center is open Monday – Friday from 9am -4pm and on Saturdays from 10am – 4pm. Staff can be reached during open hours at (315) 673-1350. Please call if you require assistance.