Baltimore Woods Monthly Stewardship Work Days

Join a new community, learn new skills, spend time outside, and give back as a volunteer through stewarding the preserve for all to enjoy!

Stewardship project team at Baltimore Woods.

The 1st Wednesday of Every Month
March-October from 5-7pm

The 1st Saturday of Every Month
from 9am-12pm

Click to sign up for Saturday, February 1
(Field Trip Site Prep)

Click to sign up for Saturday, March 1
(Invasive Species Control)

Details: Participants should wear long pants, close-toed shoes, work gloves, bring an appropriate amount of water, and be prepared to work. Work days can be somewhat strenuous at times. Heavy rain will postpone the work day. These volunteer projects are for ages 14 and up. Participants 14-18 years old must be accompanied by an adult. Participants should plan to meet the Land Steward in the main parking lot at the start of the work day.

The Benefits of Joining in on Work Days:

  • Get some fresh air and exercise
  • Meet new people who share similar hobbies and passions
  • Build new skills and learn more about the environment
  • Help Baltimore Woods continue to provide the high quality hiking and programs you love and enjoy!