Science Adventures in Nature: March Series

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Get ready for Science Adventures in March! This four-week series offers hands-on experiences in nature to supplement your science curriculum. Every Tuesday, we’ll meet up for a three-hour program packed with experiments, activities, and outdoor exploration. Rain, snow, or sunshine – we will happily go outside! Themes for each week are listed below! $40 members; $60 public. Pre-registration is required and all four sessions are included in this price.

Register for March Science Adventures in Nature!

Rain, and Snow, and Sun…Oh My!
March 2, 2021 from 1-4pm

March can be a wacky weather month so this week we will explore different types of weather and the effects of weather changes on the plants and animals. Get ready to make your own weather forecast, start a weather journal, and participate in weather experiments!

Maple Sugaring
March 9, 2021 from 1-4pm

It’s maple sugaring time at Baltimore Woods! This week we’ll explore the sugar bush and learn all about the process of how we turn sap into maple syrup. Get ready to do a little taste testing of the sap and syrup, yum!

Science of Mud
March 16, 2021 from 1-4pm

Playing in mud is fun for everyone of all ages but this week we are going to dig in and explore some of the science behind mud. What is it? Where can you find it? Do plants and animals live in it? We’ll answer these questions and more and maybe even make some mud pies.

Equinox Extravaganza
March 23, 2021 from 1-4pm

The Spring Equinox is here! This week we’ll learn about what an equinox is and how people of the past have celebrated these turning points in the year. Together we’ll create our own activities and games for a group Equinox Festival at the end of the day!

More details: This program is planned to be entirely outdoors, so please dress for the weather. Lessons are suited for ages 5-13. Students must pre-register for the entire series. Adults are encouraged, but not required to join the group, and must stay on-site during the program. Bring a water bottle and a small snack. At Baltimore Woods Nature Center, the health and safety of our staff and visitors is of utmost importance. All in-person programming will follow best practices for keeping our participants safe, including health screenings, physical distancing and wearing facial coverings.



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