Science Adventures in Nature

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Baltimore Woods Nature Center is excited to announce a new offering this October, Science Adventures in Nature! This four-week series of adventures for kids ages 6-12 offers hands-on experiences in nature to supplement your science curriculum. Every Tuesday, we’ll meet up for a three hour program packed with  experiments, activities, and outdoor exploration. Rain, snow, or sunshine – we will happily go outside! Themes for each week are listed below, so get ready for some October exploration!

Register for Science Adventures in Nature!

Signs of Fall
October 6, 2020 from 1pm – 4pm

Our first day together is all about the changing season! We’ll explore why the leaves change color, check in
on what animals at The Woods are up to, and figure out why fall has such a specific smell. We’ll also spend
some time making our own nature journals to track experiments, ideas, and cool finds over the next few

Conversations in Nature
October 13, 2020 from 1pm – 4pm

From warning calls and scent trails to camouflage and more, animals use their five senses to communicate.
Today we will follow our noses, listen for sounds, and practice our camouflage to communicate like the
animals of the forest!

Wild, Wild, Woods
October 20, 2020 from 1pm – 4pm

Have you ever made your own candles or walked through the woods without a map? This week we’ll
explore that and much more! Let’s pretend we’re in pioneer days and discover how people used their
surroundings to survive.

The Art of Nature
October 27, 2020 from 1pm – 4pm

This week we will use journaling, painting, sketching, and writing to bring scientific observation of the
natural world to life on the page and in our memories. We will let the colors, smells, cool sunny days, and
scurrying animals be our inspiration as we watch the forest change with each falling leaf.

More details: Lessons are suited for ages 6-12. Students must pre-register for the entire series. Children ages 6-9 must be accompanied by an adult. Parents of children ages 10-12 must stay on-site, or can join in the fun! Please call ahead if you are planning to bring multiple children (including children who are not participating in the program). Bring a water bottle and a small snack, and dress for the weather.

At Baltimore Woods Nature Center, the health and safety of our staff and visitors is of utmost importance. All in-person programming will follow best practices for keeping our participants safe, including physical distancing and wearing facial coverings.

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