Gardening for the Birds

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When it comes to attracting birds to your yard or other areas around your home, planting native plants is one of the best ways that you can provide food and shelter. In this workshop, we will discuss species of native plants that are most helpful to our feathered friends. The program will start with a brief exploration near the Interpretive Center to observe birds and the plants that they depend on. Then, we will work on redeveloping one of our gardens to be more birdfriendly. After the workshop, you can use the knowledge and skills that you’ve gained to create habitat for birds in your own backyard.

Click to register for Gardening for the Birds!

More details: This program is designed for adults. Space is limited and online pre-registration is required. This program will include a walk on the Harrison Loop and Faust Garden, which are moderate trails with packed crushed stone and less than 8% slope.

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