Week of July 2, 2023 – July 8, 2023

Elizabeth Suzedell staff member and Environmental Educator

by Elizabeth Suzedell, Environmental Educator

Last week, we had lots of scattered showers and thunderstorms across the region- a true sign of summer. I love the weather, so seeing the towering cumulus clouds grow, hearing the booms of thunder, and watching the flashing lightning was pretty exciting for me. However, I have to admit that I was starting to get a little frustrated with the high humidity and not being able to go outside without the threat of rain. I took that sunny and dry weather we had during most of the month of May for granted.

As I was feeling stuck in this constant, sticky humidity, there were a few things that reminded me of how important the rain actually is. On a particularly dreary day, with fog and a never-ending drizzle, it felt like we were in autumn even though the temperatures were in the 60s (°F). I went out for a short walk in the woods, and after feeling so dull from being inside all day, I was amazed by how bright the forest felt. Everything was so vibrantly green, and all of the trees and its undergrowth were thriving; this rain was giving it life.

Another evening after a hot day, the skies began to darken. I heard crows cawing and saw them flying over the backyard, taking refuge in some nearby trees; a storm was approaching. As it started to pour, I decided to sit out on the porch instead of hiding inside. I felt some relief from the hot day by a cool breeze blowing in under the roof, and I relaxed with the calming sound of the rain. Then, in the corner of my eye, I saw something jump! It was a green frog, hopping out of some bushes and into the open lawn. While many animals had hunkered down for this shower, he sat out right in the middle of it, just enjoying the rainfall.

The next evening, I was having dinner outside when it suddenly started to pour again. Annoyed, I rushed all the dishes and food inside. Less than 5 minutes later, the sun was poking through the clouds and rain; it looked like the conditions were just right for a rainbow. I ran out to the edge of the yard with my umbrella, and sure enough, there was a vivid double rainbow going over the house and ending in the street right in front of me. It faded quickly as the bright sun disappeared behind the clouds again.

Despite the dreariness of rain and how uncomfortable the humid air can be, the sun will always return, just as beautiful as it was before, and maybe with a rainbow or two. Until then, I’ll try to enjoy it like our neighbors in nature.